Movie Filmmaker: John Singleton Has Died. Trailblazing ‘Boyz N The Hood’ Filmmaker Was 51

John Singleton was a great man and filmmaker of his greatest debut film of the early 90s, “Boyz N The Hood.” I hope I and other followers to follow his inspiration filmmaker’s journey to greatness.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Storytime #15: My heritage from my experience towards issues / interest towards my life to change the world with my ideas to greatness

Being 🇺🇸and🇹🇹heritage is a great thing in my family. (My father is an American and my mother is from Trinidad.) I’m also being🏳️‍🌈 (queer) is a special thing to me, personally. As I posted earlier before, but with more details in this post; I’m working towards becoming a Unitarian Universalist faith one day because it’s special, interesting, and very unquie to me than my upbringing faith - Catholic for most of my life. I hope I don’t offend the rest of my family beside my parents who approve my decision. I learning as I also working finishing my college one day - Media Production major that I been in for almost four years. In total, in the college I’m in currently for almost 10 years. During all that time, I started my current, third college; Chattahoochee Technical College in 2010, took Computer Information System - Networking major then later changed into Media Production major. Before that, I went to my second college; Dekalb Technical College (former) Georgia Piedmont Technical College (current.) For a year and a half, and my major then was Electronic Engineering major. And before that, was my first college, Georgia Perimeter College (former) Georgia State University-Perimeter College (current.) For half a year, my major then was communication or marketing major (I forgot which major I took during that short time.) During this time of being in my third college, I been recovered from something from the past that I wished never happened - a car accident in the Summer of 2012. Well, I cannot change that; but I can live with a purpose with this major - Media Production towards something great like the T.V. / Movie industry someday. Tell stories of my experience and ideas of my issues / interest I have in my life for world to see. 

Music Celebrity: Taylor Swift’s clues on coming out rumors

For years, I think about these songs of Taylor Swift from some of her biggest single hits as rumors of coming out:

1. You Belong With Me

2. Fifteen

3. I Knew You Were Trouble

4. 22

5. Shake It Off

6. Bad Blood (Feat. Kendrick Lamar)

7. Wildest Dreams

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Science / Climate Change: A warming Arctic could cost the world trillions of dollars

A warning for the world on the cost on cause and effect for trillions of dollars on climate change.
Check this site on what scientists has discovered.

Music Celebrity: Who is Frank Ocean and what we know about his life, so far?

I had never heard much of this young man's history or his music before, I saw some of his work on Instagram recently. Check out this link below:


Saturday, April 20, 2019

Tech. Issues: Do you want to protect your desktop computer or mobile phone from hackers and other threats?

Check out this app.: Hotspot Shield. It is the best VPN (virtual private network) protection from hackers and other threats towards your desktop computer or mobile phone. Sorry, but I’m not sure if it’s available for tablets. However, what I can say as an Apple iPhone user for example, you can protect it with this app.: Hotspot Shield, only while using your desktop computer or mobile phone. - Private or Public uses while also using Wi-Fi too. It is also best to protect your data from them as well.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Storytime #14: A lesson from a mistake on my second relationship that’s been with me as a memory.

I mentioned this before about my last relationship with my second ex, last year posted. However with caution because I didn’t mention something that bothers me til this day. After my ex and I broke up after we dated; I developed something bad. Something my second ex said I have til this day... muscle spasm. I’ll explain... Before I went to meet him, my big day began with a big breakfast. Then I went to a tutoring session at a book store, Barnes & Nobles. Without eating or drinking for rest of the day til my second ex came later to meet me. We decided to go to the movie that evening. It didn’t a current to me that after I rush home after my date, night before. When I had got home, ate a late sandwich, took a cold shower and prepared go to bed. Then suddenly the next day, I was so hungry and thirsty like never before. I remember I didn’t eat or drink anything for rest of the day beside having breakfast, the day before. It bothers me every day since that I may have it. (To clarity, you can read last year posted on what happened next - title: “Storytime #zero: This Is My Recovery Story.”) Sometimes, I wish I didn’t meet my second ex, a couple of years ago. But it happened, and I have to deal with it... having muscle spasms. - Don’t Never eat one good meal or just have something to drink in the morning and expect it to last until that end of the day on your first date. (From last year posted: “Life Lesson: My Do’s and Don’ts of Dating from my personal experience.”)

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Movie: How High movie sequel: How High 2. What happened to rappers, Methodman and Redman’s characters from first movie in 2001?

As last, the first movie: How High, has a sequel: How High 2. It been 19 years since the first movie came out and the sequel is coming to MTV channel, this weekend and next Saturday. But what happened to rappers, Methodman and Redman’s characters - I guess the director cut them out of the movie from 2019 new movie sequel.

(Sign Petition - This website goal is 9,000 supporters to bring Methodman and Redman back for a sequel.)




Science: What if Southern California keeps the rate of earthquakes?

If Southern California keeps this rate of earthquakes, sooner or later I think part of California would becomes an island one day in the future.


Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Religion: The cathedral of Notre-Dame in Paris is a historical place, fire investigation

I was sad and shocked because this historical place is a very old cathedral with beauty, along with it’s paintings and art work - Has a part of it had burned by fire. Fortunately, they will rebuild the cathedral of Notre-Dame.




Thursday, April 11, 2019

Storytime #13: How to became a good part-time blogger?

How I became a part-time blogger? Well, I started my first blog years ago before my first college experience. When I was in high school, I choice to blog for fun; but not for a business. My blog site of choice was; the same website I’m using currently. The reason I started in high school, it was not because a class project; It was just a hobby for me to see what I can with this website. After graduating from my high school in 2005 and finally received my diploma in 2006. I thought, “What am I doing to do with this blog now that I finished high school?” It was a ? on what to do next with my blog site. So, I put my blog on hold and deleted it as I prepared for college, which I finally entered in 2008 - Georgia Perimeter College (former) - Georgia State University-Perimeter College (current). After I tranfered to two other colleges - Dekalb Technical College (former) - Georgia Piedmont Technical College (current) and Chattahoochee Technical College (currently I'm in now); I wanted to start fresh with the same blog site - I returned into blogging again last year (November of 2018). I was inspired by ideas from using Twitter and my recovery story (which I posted last year). From my experience as a queer person, having a mental health/illness, and using my social media to help build an audience to came to my blog site as a hobby/business. So far, in the beginning of this year; I tried to build an audience with promote so, that people can came in big numbers from one/two/three counties in the state of Georgia, United States. I felt from glad into overwhelmed while using one credit card within a two week period. I will never do that again. Currently, I'm using Grasshopper Viral Phone System to help balance my business number and personal number while also using my social media - Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook Business for my blog site.

Check this site as an example of a full-time business on blogging that I maybe want to do one day:

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Health: Why do more young people have mental health problems?

Check out these sites on the cause and effect toward young people on mental health:


If you need help about your mental health or know someone with a mental health issues, check out: NAMI: National Alliance on the Mental Illness, on this blog site. In addition, if your not interested in doing that, contact me because I have some experience with mental health.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Music Celebrities: My favorite male R&B group of all time

My favorite male R&B group of all time is... Boyz II Men.
They been my favorite group for years. Since I could remember, their music has been a great inspire to me in my life. Some of my favorite songs listed below helped me cheer me up as well the hard times.
There are a number of songs that inspire me in my life.

1. Motownphilly

2. It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday

3. Let It Snow (Feat. Brain McKnight)

4. One Sweet Day (Feat. Mariah Carey)

5. In The Still Of The Nite (I’ll Remember)

6. On Bended Knee

7. End Of The Road

8. Water Run Dry

9. Hey Lover (Feat. LL Cool J)

10. A Song For Mama

11. 4 Season Of Loneliness

12. Doin’ Just Fine

13. Thank You

14. Oh Well

15. Relax Your Mind (Feat. Faith Evan)

16. The Color of Love

17. I’m Ok, You’re Ok.

18. On The Road Again

19. How’s About It

20. Whatcha Need

21. That’s Why I Love You

22. I’ll Show You

23. Losing Sleep