Sunday, December 13, 2020

Facebook Livestream: Peaches and Pride: A live virtual rally for LGBTQ+ Georgians!

Help your friends be here with us now -share the Facebook livestream here:

Check out this post:

And sponsored by and signup from UUA, Georgia UU Congregations, and Georgia Equality: and/or

To those of you, like me, not from Georgia, use this for folks you KNOW in Georgia…and there's a role for you too! Donate, phonebank, talk to your friends:

Monday, December 7, 2020

Storytime #29: Journey to another shot to return to college.

This story is very interesting to me especially in this usual time of pandemic, this year (2020). I used to go to Chattahoochee Technical College for almost 10 years. And for a while as a student there, my goal was to finish there with a diploma of study and still stay home afterwards. Well... after one or two failed classes with a struggling financial aid to continue, I decided to not return to college again for a while after my last term in 2018 into 2019. When the COVID-19 hit in 2020, I was like, “I hope I can do this again, - return to my dream of getting into to film/television industry one day.” While also working of my business blog and connect with other people of a different way like Zoom as example. With my worship with Northwest Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Sandy Springs, GA. it’s unique until we can worship together in person, one day. Even though I love to connect with others, I was unsure what to do for my education. Greatly, inspiration of hope appeared on television about Southern New Hampshire University; my mother suggested me to try them. So, I did apply with them - taking Bachelors of Science degree in Business Administration: Entrepreneurship (online classes), all myself. In within a couple of weeks, my financial aid was approved. And not too long from now, I will be prepared for online classes for the first time. It will be another challenge for me as with my knowledge and skills, next year, January 2021. (My new journey of education continues).

Saturday, November 7, 2020

2020 Election Live Updates: Biden wins White House after taking Pennsylvania

Congrats to Joe Biden, United States President-Elect and United States Vice President-Elect, Kamala Harris for 2020!



Monday, September 28, 2020

Storytime #28, My unquie friendship with one of my best friends, (in my own words)

From grammer school (Elementary) until currently, my one of my best friends has been there with me for various of reasons (but nothing personal.) As kids, we both were in special E.D. - but with different problems. He (Dwayne Bolan) had a stutter problem and I had a learning disability (dyslexia). We both had unique ways create things, Dwayne loves to draw pictures while I love computers and writing stories. My favorite subject was reading, but not aloud. We went to every school together from age 5 (Elementary) until age 19 (high school - senior) (I’m counting my own age when my parents and I moved to Lithonia, Georgia, United States, 1991- 2005). Also, my best friend and I visited each other a few times at our houses. I remember his mother; she was great person and well respected. And I remember our 16 birthdays together: mine was a school classroom and his was at Dave and Buster’s. While I was in Lithonia, Georgia, United States until 2009, in my early twenties; I used to have a first strange crush on my best friend, Dwayne. He didn’t know it since we were in middle school and were both being tutored by same person for a short time before high school. After graduation from high school, we keep in contact by email from time to time and continue contact when I moved again to Powder Springs, Georgia, United States, twice; in Powder Springs, Georgia a mile cross the street location away from my current location and my current location. However, for the last couple of years; he moved to Colorado, United States and married his wife. I miss him and our friendship sometimes, but never forget it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Inspiration: Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, Jericho Brown joins HRC President Alphonso David for discussion

Pulitzer Prize-winning poet, Jericho Brown joins HRC President Alphonso David to discuss the resilient of the Black LGBTQ community and celebrate the power and importance of poetry as a vehicle for calling out injustice.

Religion: Introducing a new community of our faith to others - Pledge for our 50th Anniversary for Northwest Unitarian Universalist Congregation (church community of worship / religion / faith, in Sandy Springs, Georgia, United States)

Introducing: New "Text to Give at NWUUC! - (For the month of May)
You can now contribute to your favorite Home In The Woods via text message from your mobile device!
Step One: Text DonateNWUUC to 73256
Step Two: Click the link once you receive a reply
and follow the instructions
Step Three: Complete your transaction!

When completing your transaction, be sure to select the fund to which you wish to contribute.