Monday, September 28, 2020

Storytime #28, My unquie friendship with one of my best friends, (in my own words)

From grammer school (Elementary) until currently, my one of my best friends has been there with me for various of reasons (but nothing personal.) As kids, we both were in special E.D. - but with different problems. He (Dwayne Bolan) had a stutter problem and I had a learning disability (dyslexia). We both had unique ways create things, Dwayne loves to draw pictures while I love computers and writing stories. My favorite subject was reading, but not aloud. We went to every school together from age 5 (Elementary) until age 19 (high school - senior) (I’m counting my own age when my parents and I moved to Lithonia, Georgia, United States, 1991- 2005). Also, my best friend and I visited each other a few times at our houses. I remember his mother; she was great person and well respected. And I remember our 16 birthdays together: mine was a school classroom and his was at Dave and Buster’s. While I was in Lithonia, Georgia, United States until 2009, in my early twenties; I used to have a first strange crush on my best friend, Dwayne. He didn’t know it since we were in middle school and were both being tutored by same person for a short time before high school. After graduation from high school, we keep in contact by email from time to time and continue contact when I moved again to Powder Springs, Georgia, United States, twice; in Powder Springs, Georgia a mile cross the street location away from my current location and my current location. However, for the last couple of years; he moved to Colorado, United States and married his wife. I miss him and our friendship sometimes, but never forget it.